My beautiful babies.
So I sat down this weekend and began this blog - I got as far as the title (which by the way I changed) and then was distracted. That happens quite frequently around our house. There was a lot going on this weekend, a 6 hour round trip drive with 2 tweens and an infant on Saturday to a wedding shower, church and a visit to Granny (who had fallen and broken her hip last week) and of course we had to prepare for the week to come - this is an ordeal for those of you who have kids and lack orginization like myself understand there's a special kind of madness that can ensue... Even with all of the chaos I still managed to plan out my grocery list and meal plan, I just didn't get it posted to blogger or
Orgjunkie! So without further ado, here is our menu, sorry it's so late!
Sunday - We ate out!
Monday - Chicken patties, salad and oven fries (this is was my easy throw it together night)
Tuesday -
Chili I didn't follow this recipe exactly, although based on the reviews I'm sure it is wonderful just the way it's written. I added 2 cans of chili beans and 1 can of red kidney, also I ommited the white sugar. We also added a dollop of sour cream and some grated cheddar cheese - YUM!
Wednesday - Oooooh Wednesday... sucha sad, sad story. We were supposed to have
honey garlic chicken, and boy we would have, except for one fatal flaw in my plan, I didn't PLUG IN the crock pot!!! So instead we had sandwiches and salad. I pouted for a while over the loss of my yummy chicken dinner. The dogs LOVED it. *tear, sniff, sniff* I did however pull out some precooked, cubed chicken and remade the sauce for this chicken and threw it in the skillet for 10 minutes and it was pretty darn good! So I will be saving the recipe for another day.
Thursday - Taco Salad (recipe to follow) *family favorite!
Friday - F.F.Y.*
Saturday - Breakfast for dinner, eggs, maple sausage, biscuits, and fruit!
*Fend For Yourself
My Mom's taco salad:
I'll try to remember to do a photo recipe tonight when I make this.
1.5 lb ground beef
1 package taco seasoning
3/4 cup water
2 cans rinsed, drained kidney beans
1 small onion diced
1/2 head of iceburg lettuce chopped
2 medium tomatoes chopped
1/4 bag taco chips (I use cheese Dorritos) crunched up - just put them in a gallon size ziplock and roll them with a rolling pin a few times.
3/4 bottle of Thousand Island Dressing - just go with me on this.
Dice your onion and set aside.
Brown and drain your ground beef, add to it the package of taco seasoning, water and onions, allow to cook 5 minutes untill all of the beef is saturated in seasony goodness, set it aside to cool a bit.
Next pull out the biggest bowl you have and your chopping board, chop lettuce, tomatoes and throw 'em in the bowl.
Throw in your kidney beans, cheese and chips.
Gently toss these ingriedients together.
Add your ground beef and onion mixture and the Thousand Island (trust me you won't regret it)
Mix it all together and enjoy! This is also good cold the next day.
I hope that you all have a very blessed week and weekend.
Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7